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Foto do escritorMalva Lavandula


Boredom. Have you thought about it? I bet you're a regular victim of it. The thing is, people hate boredom and think it's an omen that's been cast upon them. I have a different perspective. I'm not saying I'm the biggest fan of being bored and feeling like nothing in this world satisfies me, but I think it's an emotion/feeling that should be acknowledged like all the others. I think boredom is something normal in human nature since our daily lives are mostly made up of routines. Routines are not bad, I love routines and feel that without them I would get lost. But truth be told, too much of anything makes one sick. There is nothing in this world that if repeated won't become boring and dull, even if it is our greatest passion. Imagine yourself eating your favorite food every day for the rest of your life. After two months you probably wouldn't stand to see that dish in front of you anymore.

I think people are not used to being alone with their thoughts and feel the need to have a constant distraction so they don't have to deal with their problems. Well, guess what. That won't solve anything! So, boredom is normal and should be acknowledged. When I'm sad, I don't try at all costs not to be, I just accept that I'm sad and that on that day that feeling will stay with me. Several things can happen, either during the day the sadness lifts because it no longer makes sense to be sad, or I receive some external stimulation that helps me to improve my mood, or I carry the sadness with me until I go to sleep. Trying to fight sadness only makes us more frustrated because most of the time we can't do it when we want to and how we want to, and then we add the frustration of not being able to stop being sad. It ends up being a snowball of bad feelings. I don't know when this stupid idea that we can't or shouldn't feel sad started, but it only brings more pain to our soul and heart. Boredom is just the same.

If you're bored, keep being bored. Jump from activity to activity, until something isn't as boring as the rest. Stay on the couch and watch some netflix or youtube, at least you're comfortable and you don't have stupid people bothering you. Sometimes just watching a video on youtube is enough to get me doing something different. Sometimes I'm chatting with my boyfriend and the conversation takes a different turn which stimulates my brain and gives me energy. Moments and days of boredom are necessary to make the days of productivity have an even more positive energy. Not so good moments are always necessary to gain perspective on the rest of the days and what really makes sense to us.

We can't always be productive, we have to give our heads and bodies rest, and even on rest days it's normal to feel bored because society has made us feel we have to be constantly doing something. Life doesn't work like that. Breathe. Look, at the walls. Think about life. Reflect on yourselves. The boredom will pass, you'll quickly find something to pass the time and motivation will appear.

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