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Foto do escritorMalva Lavandula

Weekend away

This weekend I went on a road trip with a friend of mine. We went to visit the coast and explored various beaches. We grabbed our little rags and off we went to explore and see new things. It is difficult to describe in words what this trip made me feel. It's hard to put into words how a place you've never been to before makes you feel so at home. We didn't have anything planned, we just went and enjoyed the days according to what we felt like at the moment. On Saturday we had a nice breakfast and although it was winter and windy we went to the beach. In my opinion, it is never a bad time to visit the beach. It was empty, just one or two lonely foreigners who preferred to spend their retirement in the quiet villages on the coast. The sand was fine, the water was crystal clear and the sun was shining into the sea with blinding power. It was a beautiful sight that will play in my head accompanied by the studio Ghibli soundtrack. I don't know if you've seen the series Anne with an E, but the way I felt these days was the way she felt when she arrived at Green Gables. Everywhere I looked there was something that took my breath away and that I wanted to describe in beautiful words but wasn't able to.

I spent the day chatting with my friend about the most unrelated topics, we planned life, enjoyed the moment and laughed. She's one of the people who makes me laugh the most and laughter is the best cure for the soul. This thought is not really a dedication to my friend, but it is, to her and life. I am an introvert and have a very small circle of friends. I am very selective about the people I am with because I quickly lose energy, but I can honestly say that every and each one of my friends is a blessing in my life. These days have filled me with gratitude, with love, with peace in my soul. I can say that these days have given me the vitality and strength to return to a reality that is not so beautiful and favorable for me. Being with the right person at the right time can do wonders and can make life less bitter.

After catching some sea breeze and filling our souls with sunshine we took the car and went to explore the rest of the coast. Next thing we found ourselves on a beautiful beach watching a surf competition. With the atmosphere around me I felt like I was in one of those typical surfer movies, where everyone is tanned even though it's winter, music blasting on the beach bar and the only concern is if the waves are good or not. We end up staying there to watch the sunset. There is something about watching the sunset on the beach that cannot be matched. The way the sunlight so close to the horizon reflects on the waves, the light that remains after sunset erases the line between the sky and the sea and for a few minutes everything seems infinite. I find myself holding my breath as I lose myself on the horizon and there are no limits. Another moment that will stay in my memory forever.

Unfortunately, the weekends are short and on Sunday we had to make our way back home. We took advantage of it and still made a few stops along the way. I'm still trying to find the right words to describe that place. There were 3 small villages very close to each other, the first one going down a cliff, with small peaceful houses that filled the road with character. The view from the cliff was breathtaking. Not even on a cloudy day that place could lose its charm. The feeling that the beach transmitted had nothing to do with its size, but with the imposing rocks that outlined it, with the immensity of the sea and the freedom that it transmitted. Such immensity that it seemed that the world ended there and nothing else was beyond the horizon line but an endless sea. The second village was on top of the hill and was just a cluster of houses, all of them looking like they had seen very good memories. Perfect place for someone who wants the quiet country life and the beach less than 10 minutes away from home, someone like me. The third village.... I don't even know where to begin. A cluster of white and blue houses on a dune. The village was built on the dunes that face directly into the sea. Being in the village means being on the beach, a beach that stretches for miles and miles. I had never been there, I had only heard about it, it was almost like a myth to me. When I got there I felt at home, I felt that part of my soul was from there, almost as if I had lived there in a past life. The light on the sea, the shape of the dunes, the texture of the sand, the smell of the sea air together with the bushes and eucalyptus. An atmosphere that filled my heart and soul with nostalgia for something that was never mine. Part of me lives there forever, no matter where I am. I left part of me there when I said goodbye to the surroundings that marked me without knowing it.

We made the rest of the trip in a good mood already missing the days we spent together being happy. We made promises to do it again and do our best to be happy with everyday life. It's good to relive the nostalgias and memories that made us who we are today, but it's not healthy to live in the past without feeling the present. The weekend passed, the memories were created, the moments were lived and now I take with me only the feelings that keep my spirit light and balanced. These are the moments that inspire me.

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